Ashley Wong
About Ashley
Ashley Wong is a poet and educator. Her poems have been published in Prairie Schooner, Crab Orchard Review, Salamander, Image, Fugue, Poetry International, and the 2011 Montreal Global Poetry Anthology. Ashley holds a BA in English from Georgetown University and a MFA in poetry from Boston University, where she was recipient of the George Starbuck Fellowship and a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship to Timor-Leste. She has taught creative writing at Boston University and literature at the National University of Timor-Leste in Dili. In addition to her work at GrubStreet, Ashley teaches English at the Meadowbrook School of Weston. She loves listening to others' stories and discovering the power of words on the page with her students. When she's not teaching or writing, she loves getting outdoors and trying new recipes from her favorite food blogs (not at the same time).