Nico Pang
About Nico
Nico Pang is a queer and nonbinary Asian American poet, youth worker, and teaching artist based in Boston. Born in the year of the dog like their grandmother, Nico's writing explores family histories, diaspora, queerness, gender, and belonging. Nico is a Pink Door Fellow, 2017 FEM Slam finalist, and founding member of Disrupt Slam at Tufts University. Nico previously coached youth slam teams for A-WAY (Allies Working with Asian Youth) for Louder Than A Bomb Massachusetts and Tufts University for CUPSI, the national college poetry slam. Nico's work is published in Winter Tangerine and Crab Fat Magazine: Best of Year Three print anthology.Nico is passionate about youth power and poetry as a tool for resistance and healing. Nico coordinates leadership development programs at BAGLY (Boston Alliance of GLBTQ+ Youth), the longest running LGBTQ+ youth organization in the country. Find Nico on Instagram @nico__pang