Richard Hendrie
Board Member
About Richard
Act One: The World of Acting and Spirituality
Rick’s path diverged from the conventional after
graduating from Phillips Exeter Academy. Eschewing
Yale, he embraced his passion for acting at the Stella
Adler Studio of Acting. His tenure there from 1969 to
1974 was not just as a student but also as a member
of Stella’s Repertory Company, a unique ensemble
formed by Adler. He also became a Nichiren Shoshu
Buddhist, a spiritual practice that has since been a
cornerstone in his life, shaping his beliefs in the
interplay of creativity & spirit in daily existence.
Act 2: A Flourishing Career in the Corporate World
In 1975, Rick’s journey took an unexpected turn into chain restaurant promotion and
marketing. He built a thirty-eight-year career as the senior marketing officer for diverse
institutions, including iconic brands like Fuddruckers and Uno Chicago Grill. He also started
his own company, Remarkable Branding tm, to help restaurant, retail and hospitality
businesses develop effective marketing and brand strategies. He enjoyed a flourishing side
career as a public speaker fluent in the mysterious language of ‘branding’ to address dozens
of industry groups and associations. During this second act, he got married, enjoyed
parenting two marvelous stepchildren and graduated from New York University with the
Founder’s Day Award for consistently superior scholarship over the span of his college career.
Act 3: Embracing Writing and Self-Discovery
It began with the unexpected death of his stepdaughter, then subsequently, his wife. It also
heralded the arrival of his muse, Robert, who became his husband in 2008. In 2013,
sextuple bypass surgery ended his business career. These events caused him to think about
living his bliss and the prospects of a Buddhist afterlife. It also turned him into a fiction
writer and led him to GrubStreet. He graduated from GrubStreet’s LGTBQ+ Novel Generator
and Novel Incubator programs. Currently revising one novel, Earle’s Last Moment, he is also
writing a second novel. As a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist, his practice is dedicated to personal
growth and service to others, underpinning his commitment to a life of creativity, courage,
serenity, and generosity.
for participants to be active synthesizers versus passive receptacles, and an emphasis on
praxis – the translation of cognitive growth into personal action.