Kathleen Willis
About Kathleen
Kathleen has been an instructor for Grub since the summer of 2008. She is the author of memoir The Blue Poppy and The Mustard Seed: A Story of Loss and Hope, published by Wisdom Publications. Her essays and articles have appeared in Hip Mama Magazine, The Shambhala Sun, the anthology The Best Spiritual Writing of 2009, and Psychology Today Online, as well as other publications. She is also the co-author of Images of America: Chicago’s Gold Coast, from Arcadia Publishing. She holds an MFA from the University of New Orleans, as well as an MDIv in theological studies and Chaplaincy. She is the Chaplain/Interfaith Care Coordinator for the Essex County She teaches Tibetan Meditation as well as creative writing. She is the founder of Dakinis Ascending Writing Adventures (www.dawatrips.com) leading international writing/meditation retreats.