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Sandra Taylor

Board Member

About Sandra

Born in Seoul, Korea, Sandra moved to Philadelphia when she was 6 years old and attended an all-girls private school through high school. She went onto study at the University of California, Berkeley where she received a B.A. in Asian Studies with a focus on Political Science and Chinese. She took a year off between her junior and senior years to study Chinese at Tung Hai University in Taichung, Taiwan. Upon graduating from UC Berkeley, Sandra was hired by Citibank’s Asia Pacific Group and completed Citibank’s executive training program. During her banking career, Sandra also worked for Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu, CoreStates in Philadelphia, and BancOne in Dallas and Boston. Sandra opened and managed CoreStates’ correspondent banking representative office in Mexico City for 3 years. While Sandra was never able to utilize her Chinese in the workplace, she did become fluent in Spanish while working and living in Mexico and uses it to this day. In January, 2016, Sandra rekindled a girlhood passion for writing, enrolling in the first of many creative writing classes at Grub Street in Boston. In June of 2018, she began a 2-year low residency MFA program in creative writing at Salve Regina University in Newport, RI. Sandra is passionate about nature, animals, birds, and education, themes she hopes to weave into her writing. She is on the executive committee of WBUR’s new environmental vertical and is actively engaged in supporting Grub Street’s youth writing programs and new narrative arts center in the seaport.