Class Description
If you're about to publish a book -- fiction or nonfiction -- you've probably got questions about how to best get the word out. Your publicist will handle some of the tasks, but you may wonder what can you do on your own. In this seminar, via lecture, discussion of packet materials, short exercises, and Q&A, we'll explore great ideas and thebest practices to design your own "thinking out of the box," DIY, guerrilla-style promotional campaign. Whether you have a big or small publisher or chose self-publishing, have a novel or a work of nonfiction, this seminar will explore ways to identify, reach, and build a target audience in various potential book-buying communities. Among other topics, we'll discuss creating a toolbox of publicity materials and a "mobile event kit" so you're ready for any publicity opportunity; organizing a book tour (and not just at bookstores but using non-traditional venues); brainstorming special contests, promotions, and giveaways unique to your book; establishing yourself as an expert and tying in your book to current events; writing tie-in op-eds and commentaries to join the conversation in your field; pitching yourself to traditional media like print, TV, and radio; getting your book into the hands of opinion leaders; and developing ancillary income streams and platform-building opportunities via speaking engagements. We'll also look at what your publisher ought to be doing (and how to push back and ask for more) and the problems that self-publishing creates (and how to work around them). Come with questions.
Note: This course is best for writers with forthcoming books.
Thanks to the excellent literary citizenship of our donors, scholarships are available for all GrubStreet classes. To apply, click the gray "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button. In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must complete your application at least one week before the start date of a class. Please await our scholarship committee's decision before registering for the class. We cannot hold spots in classes, so the sooner you apply, the better. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively.
For more detailed information about GrubStreet scholarships, including how to contribute to scholarship funds for other students, click here.
This class will take place using Zoom videoconferencing. About 15 minutes before your class is scheduled to begin, you'll receive an email from your instructor with a link to join the class meeting!
Zoom Participation:
Students are not required to turn their camera on, but are encouraged to participate any way they feel comfortable through functions such as the live chat, emoji reactions, and unmuting the microphone. Learn more about using Zoom here.
Zoom Accessibility:
We ask that instructors enable closed captioning and send a transcript of the session after class. You can also enable closed captioning at any time during the meeting. If your instructor forgets to send the transcript, just send ’em an email!