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  • Seminar
  • Boston Neighborhoods: Zoom
  • Adult (18+)

Translation and Social Justice | Traducción y justicia social

No Longer Enrolling

  • $0.00 Non-Member
  • $0.00 Member

Class Description

Boston has always been a city of many immigrants, and more than 50 percent of our population currently speaks a language other than English at home. When it comes to the public sphere, as well as education, the legal system, medical care, and social services, sometimes important--even critical--things get lost in translation. That’s clear for those of us who did not grow up speaking English, who are concerned about creating inclusive spaces, and who serve, support, or advocate for communities in which English is not the primary language. This workshop will use creative writing prompts, principles of literary translation and simultaneous interpretation, and visual thinking strategies to spark discussion and offer each other new ways to think about language access.

Denise Delgado is a fiction writer and artist who writes and teaches in English and Spanish. She has helped family and others who do not speak English to navigate healthcare and housing services. Gabriel Sosa is a court interpreter and visual artist whose work addresses the use of language in the court system, social justice, and the flawed nature of memory.

This workshop welcomes participants comfortable in either English or Spanish and is open to anyone with any level of writing experience or skill.

Denise Delgado is a fiction writer and artist who writes and teaches in English and Spanish. She has navigated healthcare and housing services with relatives that do not speak English.

Gabriel Sosa is a court interpreter and visual artist whose work addresses the use of language in the court system, social justice, and the flawed nature of memory.

This workshop welcomes participants comfortable in either English or Spanish and is open to anyone with any level of writing experience or skill.

Families welcome. Coffee and snacks provided. Teens are welcome to attend with an older relative. We will provide simple activities to keep young children occupied.

This class takes place at the Boston Public Library's East Boston branch, 365 Bremen St, Boston, MA 02128. If you have any difficulty signing up online, please call 617-695-0075.

Traducción y justicia social

Un taller bilingüe de escritura creativa

Sucursal East Boston de la Biblioteca Pública de Boston

Instructores: Denise Delgado y Gabriel Sosa

Boston siempre ha sido una ciudad de inmigrantes. Actualmente, más de cincuenta por ciento de nuestra población habla un idioma en casa que no sea el inglés. Cuando se trata de la esfera pública, junto a los servicios sociales, el sistema judicial, la educación y la salud, se pierden a veces cosas importantes e incluso críticas dentro de la traducción. Eso está claro para aquellos que hablamos inglés como segundo idioma, para quienes luchamos por crear espacios inclusivos y para quienes trabajan, apoyan o abogan por las comunidades donde el inglés no es el idioma dominante. En este taller, recurriremos a técnicas de la escritura creativa, los principios de la traducción literaria y simultánea, y estrategias de creación visual para iniciar una animada conversación y buscar nuevas formas de pensar sobre el acceso lingüístico.

Denise Delgado es una escritora de narrativa y artista que escribe y enseña en inglés y español y ha ayudado a familiares que no hablan inglés a navegar por los servicios de salud y vivienda. Gabriel Sosa es un intérprete jurídico y artista plástico, cuya obra explora el uso del lenguaje en el sistema judicial, justicia social y la falibilidad de la memoria.

Están bienvenidos a este taller aquellos que se sienten cómodos en inglés o español y está abierto a cualquiera con cualquier nivel de experiencia o habilidad de escribir.

Son bienvenidas las familias y los adolescentes que asisten con un padre u otro pariente. Hay café y meriendas. Proveeremos actividades sencillas para entretener a los niños.

La clase tomará lugar en el sucursal East Boston de la Biblioteca Pública de Boston,365 Bremen St, Boston. Cualquier dificultad para inscribirse en linea, favor de llamar a 617-695-0075.

Scholarships Format/Location

Thanks to the excellent literary citizenship of our donors, scholarships are available for all GrubStreet classes. To apply, click the gray "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button. In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must complete your application at least one week before the start date of a class. Please await our scholarship committee's decision before registering for the class. We cannot hold spots in classes, so the sooner you apply, the better. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively.

For more detailed information about GrubStreet scholarships, including how to contribute to scholarship funds for other students, click here.