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  • 1 Or 2 Day Seminar
  • BPL - Egleston Square Branch
  • Adult (18+)

WDTS Egleston: Performing Your Writing

No Longer Enrolling

  • $0.00 Non-Member
  • $0.00 Member

Class Description

This workshop welcomes participants comfortable in English, Spanish, or both.

Are you ready to share your writing--live? While spoken word artists write in a tradition that is oral, musical, performative, AND literary, what about performing our stories, essays, and poems that were written primarily for the page? How can we amp up the potential of the literary reading to connect with audiences and bring new dimensions to our work? We’ll talk about how to select material to read aloud, timing, pacing, projection, and eye contact. We’ll also look at examples of poets and writers who are compelling performers and have introduced elements of sound, music, theater, film and visual and performance art into their readings. Bring up to 3 pages of finished work. We especially encourage past Write Down the Street participants to attend this workshop.

Families welcome. Coffee and snacks provided. Teens are welcome to attend with an older relative. We will provide simple activities to keep young children occupied.

Who Should Register?

Write Down the Street has a special focus on making the creative writing workshop more accessible to those who face challenges due to cost, language skills, lack of access to transportation, and other barriers. We believe that all voices must be spotlighted with the range and fullness they deserve.

These programs are offered tuition-free thanks to the support of generous donors who are committed to our mission of ensuring all voices are heard.


¡No te pares ahí leyendo sin hacer nada! Interpretando tu escritura en vivo

Listo para compartir tus escritos--¿en vivo? Mientras los artistas spoken word escriben dentro de una tradición que es a la vez oral, musical, literaria, y performativa, ¿que tal de traer al escenario nuestros cuentos, crónicas, y poemas escritos para la página? ¿Como podemos explotar las potenciales de la lectura literaria para conectar con públicos y añadir nuevas dimensiones a nuestras obras escritas? Nuestra discusión abarcará temas como seleccionar material, el tiempo, el ritmo, la proyección de la voz, y contacto visual. También veremos ejemplos de escritores y poetas que son intérpretes fabulosos y que han introducido a sus lecturas elementos de sonido, música, teatro, cine, performance, y arte visual. Debes traer hasta 3 páginas de tu obra escrita. En particular le animamos a los que han participado anteriormente en Write Down the Street a asistir a este taller.

Son bienvenidas las familias y los adolescentes que asisten con un padre u otro pariente. Hay café y meriendas. Proveeremos actividades sencillas para entretener a los niños.

¿Quien se debe matricular?

Autores a la vuelta tiene un enfoque especial en hacer más accesible los talleres de escritura creativa a las personas subrepresentadas debido al costo, racismo, estatus migratorio, barreras de idioma, falta de transporte adecuado, y otras barreras. Creemos que estas voces merecen ser destacadas en toda su plenitud y riqueza de expresión.

Estos programas son ofrecidos sin costo gracias al apoyo generoso de nuestros patrocinadores, quienes creen firmemente en nuestra misión de asegurar que toda voz sea escuchada.

Scholarships Format/Location

Thanks to the excellent literary citizenship of our donors, scholarships are available for all GrubStreet classes. To apply, click the gray "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button. In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must complete your application at least one week before the start date of a class. Please await our scholarship committee's decision before registering for the class. We cannot hold spots in classes, so the sooner you apply, the better. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively.

For more detailed information about GrubStreet scholarships, including how to contribute to scholarship funds for other students, click here.