Class Description
What defines creative nonfiction? In this course, we’ll explore what creative nonfiction is, what it isn’t, and what it might be, examining a mix of published nonfiction works—personal essays, memoirs, lyric essays, narrative journalism—to better understand the array of styles and approaches writers use to tell true stories. Focusing on voice, scene development, reflection, language, and style, we’ll analyze work that fits neatly within nonfiction norms as well as boundary-pushing work that lives on the fringes, and apply this craft awareness to our own writing. Authors may include: James Baldwin, Joan Didion, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Megan Stielstra, Annie Dillard, Phillip Lopate, Alexander Chee, Roxane Gay, Ira Sukrungruang, Eula Biss.
We'll also examine ethical issue of truth and nonfiction, and the perils of writing about real people (including ourselves). During ten weeks of class, students will respond to in-class writing prompts inspired by our readings and discussions and submit and workshop one flash essay (500-800 words) and one full-length essay, (4,000 words). Students will learn the fundamentals of craft of creative nonfiction, get a sense of its possibilities and where it is published, and practice the skill of critiquing the work of their peers. This class is ideal for novice writers or more experienced writers looking to delve into this ever-evolving and flourishing genre.
Please note: Class does not meet June 2nd.
Scholarship Information
Thanks to the excellent literary citizenship of our donors, scholarships are available for all GrubStreet classes. To apply, click the gray "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button. In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must complete your application at least one week before the start date of a class. Please await our scholarship committee's decision before registering for the class. We cannot hold spots in classes, so the sooner you apply, the better. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively.
For more more detailed information about GrubStreet scholarships, including how to contribute to scholarship funds for other students, click here.
Thanks to the excellent literary citizenship of our donors, scholarships are available for all GrubStreet classes. To apply, click the gray "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button. In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must complete your application at least one week before the start date of a class. Please await our scholarship committee's decision before registering for the class. We cannot hold spots in classes, so the sooner you apply, the better. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively.
For more detailed information about GrubStreet scholarships, including how to contribute to scholarship funds for other students, click here.
This class will take place using Zoom videoconferencing. About 15 minutes before your class is scheduled to begin, you'll receive an email from your instructor with a link to join the class meeting!
Zoom Participation:
Students are not required to turn their camera on, but are encouraged to participate any way they feel comfortable through functions such as the live chat, emoji reactions, and unmuting the microphone. Learn more about using Zoom here.
Zoom Accessibility:
We ask that instructors enable closed captioning and send a transcript of the session after class. You can also enable closed captioning at any time during the meeting. If your instructor forgets to send the transcript, just send ’em an email!