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Novel Incubator Fellowship Applicants

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the Novel Incubator.

We strive to locate support for our program participants who need it, and may be able to offer awardees 25%-75% support, depending on our funding in a given year, and the number of successful applicants.

Thanks to the generous support of the Pechet Foundation, we are able to award one full or two partial fellowships in honor of Pauline Scheer. The Novel Incubator Alumni Board also work hard to provide fellowship funding for our novelists.

Applicants can expect notification via email at the time of acceptance into the program. While all Novel Incubator applicants can expect to be notified of their standing by the Novel Incubator Selection Committee, applicants not accepted into the program will not receive a separate notification from the Fellowship Committee.

Novel Incubator Literary Access Grants

The Novel Incubator is offering a limited number of Literary Access Grants, in addition to Fellowship funding, in order to help students defray the cost of transportation, childcare, and/or other costs associated with participating in this program. Literary Access Grants will be added onto the Fellowship in an amount between $500 and $1,000. You will have an opportunity to note on your Novel Incubator application whether you would like to be considered for a Literary Access Grant.

Please note: Only those who qualify for a Fellowship will be considered for Literary Access Grants.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Novel Incubator are now closed. All applicants can expect to hear from us by late March/early April, 2024.

Please note that the upcoming round of the Novel Incubator will take place in-person in Boston at GrubStreet's Center for Creative Writing in the Seaport.

If you have any questions, please email our Programs team at [email protected].

Novel Incubator Fellowship Fund

For information about how you can to help talented authors finish their novels, please follow this link to our Novel Incubator Fellowship Fund page.