In-Depth Writing Workshops in Every Genre
Multi-Week Workshops
Multi-week workshops are offered in every genre, and typically meet once a week for three hours, either over Zoom or in-person at our Center for Creative Writing in Boston. Workshops range from generative classes with light feedback, to advanced classes with a focus on revision and in-depth written feedback.
We also offer unique Online: On-Demand classes with the same structure and feedback as other GrubStreet classes but with no live meetings. So you can log in and learn from anywhere to enjoy dynamic craft lessons, inspiring prompts, and helpful peer and instructor feedback at your own pace.
All GrubStreet workshops are writer-centered; you will have the opportunity to participate in the conversation about any work you submit, ask questions, and offer your perspective. Most workshops will involve reading outside of class, writing exercises during class, and giving and receiving feedback on works in progress. The amount of writing you’ll do outside of class will vary depending on the goals of the class, but you will leave any of our multi-week workshops with new writing or significant progress on existing work, and the insight of your instructor and classmates.